Frequently Asked Questions
Questions from the Employer
What are the benefits of hiring an Apprentice?
By hiring an apprentice, you are developing a skilled, talented and motivated workforce. The training can be tailored to the job role and industry. Having a trained workforce increases retention rates, as qualified employees are usually more motivated. In a government survey, 86% of employers said that apprenticeships helped them develop skills relevant to their organisation. Apprentices can often bring new ideas and insights to the business, giving you a competitive advantage.
Do Apprentices have to be new employees?
No, you can hire someone new or you can upskill a member of your current workforce. Apprentices are for anyone, and for any age group. As long as the funding criteria is met, a current employee can train for an Apprenticeship. We can talk through the process and the eligibility criteria with you and the employee.
How is the Apprentice paid?
The employer pays the salary. The current Apprenticeship wage for 16-18 year olds is £6.40 (from April 2024). For those aged 19 and above the wage is £6.40 for the first year of the apprenticeship and then Minimum Wage thereafter. This is the minimum wage requirement; you can of course page pay a higher wage if you wish to attract the best talent.
How is the Apprenticeship Training Funded?
This will depend on if your organisation is a levy payer or not. If your organisation has a total wage bill of over £3 million a year, your business will pay an Apprenticeship Levy to the government, currently set at 0.5% of total payroll. This will be used to fund the training.
If you are not a levy payer, then 100% of the Apprenticeship training costs will be funded by the government, for apprentices who are aged 16-18, (or 95% of the costs for those aged 19+). For those aged 19+, the employer must pay the remaining 5% of the costs.
As an employer, what are my responsibilities if I had an apprentice?
You will have responsibilities as an employer, and this will be discussed at your engagement meeting. However, an example is to make sure your apprentice is allocated the required amount of off-the-job training time and to support the apprentice in their learning, as well as attending progress reviews. We hold regular support sessions for line managers and our tutors are always on hand to guide you through the process.
Are Apprenticeships only for young people?
No! People often ask, “Am I too old to do an apprenticeship?”. Apprenticeships are for anyone over the age of 16. You can embark on an apprenticeship at any stage of your career, so they are ideal if there is a skill gap in your workplace, or if an employee wants to go for promotion or change direction in their career.
Can you help me to recruit an Apprentice?
Yes! Our sister company, Swarm Recruitment, can support you in the search for the right candidate. Following a discussion with the employer, they can help with writing the initial job advert, promoting the role and screening applicants.
Are Apprenticeships only in practical subjects?
No! There is a huge variety of courses (standards) on offer. We do offer practical engineering-based courses at our Norwich based training centre called Swarm REAGIT. Swarm Training is able to offer quality business apprenticeships all across the UK, for a number of subjects like market research, HR, recruitment and events management. Take a look at our full list of courses here
What happens when an Apprentice has finished their learning?
Once a learner has completed their portfolio of evidence in the required timeframe, the learner will go into ‘Gateway’. This is the period between learning ending and assessments completed. Full details will be discussed at your engagement meeting. A learner is required to be in employment for the EPA period. Once training is complete, it is up to the employer to decide if they want to offer a permanent role to the employee.
Questions from the Employer
Do I have to have a GCSE in maths and English before I start an Apprenticeship?
No. If you haven’t yet attained the required entry level at GCSE, we can deliver Functional Skills levels 1 or 2 alongside your apprenticeship, depending on the level you require.
Can I do an Apprenticeship if I already have a degree?
Yes, but the subject does have to be different from your degree topic.
Do I need work experience to start an Apprenticeship?
No, your employer and training provider will deliver the training you need to enable you to succeed in your chosen career.
How is my Apprenticeship training delivered?
Apprentices typically meet with their tutor once a month for training, either face-to-face or remotely. In addition, tutors provide one-to-one support to support for personal development. We also offer a monthly enrichment programme which covers topics such as time management, presentation skills and personal branding.
I have a busy home life. When am I expected to complete assignments and learning?
All your apprenticeship learning is carried out during your working hours (referred to as Off The Job Hours). This equates to an average of 6 hours a week (for full-time workers) which your employer must allow you the time for. All your learning hours need to be recorded in a learning journal. Apprentices cannot pass to the Gateway stage if the required Off The Job Hours have not been completed.
What is an EPA?
EPA stands for End Point Assessment. This is the formal assessment made of the learner by an external EPAO (End Point Assessment Organisation).
What do I need to do in an EPA?
The assessments vary with each standard but all standards require you to submit a portfolio of evidence developed over the course of the apprenticeship learning phase to support you in a professional discussion at the end. You will also typically be asked to do an online knowledge test, followed by a presentation and then, of course, the final professional discussion. Your tutor will discuss this with you and thoroughly prepare you for the assessment.
What is a Skill Scan?
This is an in-depth conversation between a tutor, the apprentice, and the employer as part of the sign-up and application process. The tutor will ask lots of questions surrounding the apprenticeship standard. This will ensure you aren’t overqualified, and that you are being put on the correct apprenticeship for your ability and position.
If I have a learning difficulty, will that stop me from doing an Apprenticeship?
No, this will not prevent you from doing an apprenticeship. Our in-depth initial assessment and skill scan will determine that you are placed on the correct apprenticeship. Once you have started, we can then put in additional support measures to help with your learning needs and to ensure you meet your goals.
What happens if I can’t find my Maths and English certificates, yet I know I have passed them?
Proof of certification is a requirement but there may be other options. First, we would check your Personal Learning Record to see if we can find proof of results. If not, you can contact the awarding body that assessed your exams and request a copy. In the meantime, we will start you on your functional skills training until that proof is obtained.