Professional Certificates
We are passionate about training people and developing businesses! Professional Certificates are another valuable tool in our tool kit.
To achieve effective results and impact you need to take a tailored approach to training for the individual business and personal situation. This may be with a bespoke training course, a Professional Certificate developed by the leading Professional Bodies for each industry or it may be with an apprenticeship.
Talk to us and let us prepare a bespoke training plan for your staff and team to meet the needs you have.
Here are some of the Professional Certificates we draw on which might form part of that plan.

The ILM Level 3 in Leadership and Management skills is perfect for new managers just getting started or those who are more experienced but have never had the opportunity for formal training.
It will give them the tried, tested and recognised techniques of leadership and management to follow in their role to make the management experience much easier and more straightforward for them and their team.
Our Professional Certificates and Bespoke Training is delivered by our specialised Leadership and Management business at
Swarm Bluewater.

The MRS Advanced Certificate is a 6 month course with monthly workshops and tutor support to cover the learning and prepare for the final Exam and Integrated Assignment.
The qualification is well respected in the industry for businesses to develop their staff into Management positions. For learners, to have the qualification on their certificate is to really open doors!
For anyone completing the Level 4 Market Research Apprenticeship at a Distinction level, if you choose to go on to do the MRS Advanced Certificate you will only need to prepare for and sit the exam.
Follow the journey of our latest cohort of learners. Read here

Designed for experienced Directors to tune their leadership style and for Managers who wish to take their leadership capability to the next level.
This is a 6 month programme of learning and guidance based around the two key modules “managing & leading people” and “managing performance and development”.
With dedication and application of the learning, you will notice improvements in yourself, your area of responsibility and your organisation as you take a big step forward as a people leader.

Leadership & Management
1 Day Courses 2025
Our 8 leadership and management 1 day courses are designed to provide a smorgasbord of choice for pre/new and experienced leaders/managers. You can choose any of the courses or take advantage of our discounted offer for all 8 (please contact us for details).
These courses are open to all and delivered by specialists online. We can also deliver these courses in-house to up to 15 employees per cohort, contact us today for more information.
Influencing & Negotiating | Leadership and Followship | Conflict Management | Time Management | Building A Winning Team | Delegation Skills | Dealing With Difficult People | Effective Communication Skills | Presenting With Impact | Customer Service Excellence | Wellness And Self Care | Cross Cultural Working | Effective Strategic Thinking | Advanced Decision Making | Effective Strategic Planning | Boardroom Negotiation & Pitches | Change Management | Culture Change | Commercial Awareness