How to Ace Your EPA
EPA Preparations
How to Ace Your EPA
If your final assessment for your apprenticeship includes a Professional Discussion ( sometimes referred to as a Project Showcase), then it can be nerve racking. The best way to eliminate the End Point Assessment nerves is to be as prepared as possible. Remember, the assessor is on your side! They want to bring out the best in you.
Here are some tips to consider if you're wondering how to prepare for your EPA:
1. Blow your own trumpet!
Talk about what YOU did. Make sure you use the term ‘I’ and not ‘we’. Show off your skills and professional behaviours. The assessor is only interested in your contribution, not what the company or your team did.
2. Take your Time
Don’t rush
Explain in detail what you did; with examples. Don’t assume they know the background to your answer – give some context. The assessor will be looking for you to describe what you have done, how you have done it, and why. Consider what you based your decisions on (e.g., was it your knowledge, experience, research?)
The STAR method may be useful – describing the Situation, Task, Action, and Result.
3. Relax
There are no trick questions. The assessor doesn’t want to catch you out. Imagine you are talking to a colleague. If you struggle with an answer it is OK to say ‘do you mind if we come back to that question?’.
4. Don’t be concerned if the assessor stays neutral.
That’s their role. They may just say OK after your answer. They won’t give feedback there and then.
5. Go for Distinction
Aim High!
To aim for a distinction, develop your answers to show what action you did, but more importantly WHY. On what did you base your decision, what tools or theory did you apply?
Talk about extra research or training you have undertaken. What positive feedback have you received? What exciting new ideas do you have? If you feel you have answered a question and the assessor is still pushing for more from you, they may be encouraging you to go for a distinction, so add more detail!
6. Read the EPA Document
Read through the toolkit in advance, so you are confident about what criteria the assessor is looking for at each stage. You can usually take in A4 sheet of notes/bullet points, so draw up some examples of great work you have done to remind you.
Practical tips:
· Remember your photo ID.
· Book a quiet room for the test in advance
· Arrive 15 mins before your test time, to iron out any technical problems.
· Ensure your camera and microphone work.
· Make your line managers/colleagues aware that you are unavailable during that time.
Listen to advice from one of our completers, Emilee Redpath of Brentwood Communications:
“ My experience was extremely positive. It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be! I would always have in depth lessons with my tutor, where I would ask lots of questions and my tutor would reply back to my emails very quickly too. Then I would stop worrying so much, as I hadn’t realised how much I had learnt until I would do a knowledge test or Sally would ask me a question a couple months down the line and I could answer it. Practice definitely makes perfect.”
Remember, our tutors are on hand to support you, practice with you and to answer any of your concerns.