New term, new start
In the blink of an eye, we’re into September already.
January always seems to be the focus for new starts, and New Year resolutions; a time to turn over a new leaf.
But it’s harder to muster enthusiasm for goal setting during shorter days, or find energy for trying something new when you’re carrying a band of Baileys around your waistline.
With an abundance of golden leaves, soon to fall, I find that September is a great time to start afresh; to shed the old and welcome the new.
September heralds the start of a new school term, and, after the chaos and freestyle of the summer, the autumn month means a restoration of routine. To the sound of groans from children, I know many parents will welcome the return to structured school days.
From my own school days, I remember the frisson of excitement for all things new that September brings; the smell of new stationery, the brand new pencil case (free from pencil shavings and graffiti), the new school bag, conforming to the latest trend, the squeaky new shoes and oversized blazer.
There’s a real appreciation of the sun when she does appear this month - as she has recently – as though we have been given a stay of execution; one last chance to get outside and stock up on vitamin D before winter sets in.
September sees a return to the autumn schedule on TV. As we prepare to hunker down and batten down the hatches, we can at least look forward to favourite friends to see us through the colder nights: Strictly anyone?
Friends and colleagues scatter in the summer, enjoying holidays and breaks from the norm, but September sees a mass return to the nest, characterised by excited chattering and eager catch-ups.
Last chances and clean slates are what the new school term is built on. A new class; a different teacher; another chance to shine; a move closer to your goals.
Whilst there isn’t a set time to begin an apprenticeship, we often find that there’s an increased take-up in the autumn months. So if you fancy a fresh start and a new challenge, do get in touch
After all – it’s a great excuse to buy a new pencil case.