Functional Skills Support
If your apprentice hasn't yet attained the required entry level of maths or English at GCSE, we can deliver Functional Skills levels 1 or 2 alongside the apprenticeship.
Because we know how frustrating it is for many apprentices to feel they are held back by not holding these qualifications, we offer a comprehensive programme of support to help learners get to where they need to be.
Following induction, if an apprentice is required to take their Functional Skills qualification, they are assigned a log in to the BKSB portal, which is the UK’s leading supplier of Functional Skills and GCSE development solutions.
The online platform, can be accessed anywhere and at any time. It provides one central point of access for all BKSB Assessments, Learning Resources, and Data Analysis. By taking regular skill checks, the content of the work can be tailored to the learner's own needs and they can therefore take charge of their own progress.
In addition, apprentices are invited to monthly group sessions on English and maths with our dedicated tutor, Luke Turner. As the apprentice meets their target performance in maths or English, they will then be invited to 121 sessions with Luke to prepare for their formal assessment.
Together we aim to get the Functional Skills qualification complete within the first 3 months of the apprenticeship, so that the employee is then able to focus on their chosen apprenticeship course.
Tutors regularly check in with apprentices who need Functional Skills support, and they can also advise learners on resources available, some of which are listed below.
CGP – Revision Guides
A highly recommended and useful book available here and also on Amazon. This book can be used alongside your BKSB course.
Your employer may be able to help you purchase these books.
Highfield Videos
The exam board, Highfield, has a YouTube channel specifically aimed at Functional Skills. Highfield is the Awarding Organisation for these tests so the terminology used will be similar to the tests. This is a very good source to use for anyone sitting the Highfield tests.
Level 1 Maths playlist here. Level 2 Maths playlist here.
Level 1 English playlist here. Level 2 English playlist here.
More resources can be found in the Centre Resources menu on OneFile